海へ(立体)|To the Sea (Sculpture)
海へ(絵)|To the Sea (Painting)
家の外、家の中|Outside the House, Inside the House
家の中、家の外|Inside the House, Outside the House
ドレスを漕ぐ|Rowing a Dress
金魚を漕ぐ|Rowing a Gold Fish
オオカミを漕ぐ|Rowing a Wolf
トラを漕ぐ|Rowing aTiger
シマウマを漕ぐ|Rowing a Zebra
シーホースを漕ぐ|Rowing a Sea Horse
細井えみか作品集 2021-2022 | Works by Emika Hosoi 2021-2022
皮膚で踊る波(Waves Dancing on the Skin)
踊る芳しさ(Flattering Scent)
近くで響く遠く(I hear the sound far)
ユニコーンの波(Waves of A Unicorn)
ピエロの皮膚(Skin of a clown)
りんごの波(Waves of an Apple)